G10, J4
József TREFELI /József Trefeli Company
Photo by Gregory Batardon
在他們的編舞過程中, Gábor和József徵用民俗故事來創造出自己的“假民俗”,從而發明了一個新的《Creature》。
SWISS PRIZE 2015-2017 中 Current dance work類獎
資助:日內瓦市文化部、瑞士文化基金會 Prohelvetia、Loterie Romande、瑞士表演藝術家協會 Schweizerische Interpretengenossenschaft、Commune de Lancy。
聯合製作和駐館:ADC /當代舞蹈協會association pour la danse contemporaine、ADC Studios,Genève CH;CND (舞蹈藝術中心於法國潘丹);Arsenic – 當代舞蹈藝術中心於瑞士洛桑;Kaserne Basel 瑞士巴塞爾;CCN - 洛林芭蕾舞團Ballet de Lorraine於法國南希;Migrations於英國威爾士。
駐館:法國瓦爾德馬恩省的Briqueterie CDC;瑞士蘇黎世Tanzhaus Zurich
其他合作夥伴:瑞士日內瓦MEG民族博物館、CCN Rillieux-la-Pape – 導演 Yuval Pick, 法國, Label Bobine 瑞士日內瓦.
此項目與adc-日內瓦、ADN Neuchâtel、Arsenic Lausanne、Dampfzentrale Bern、éviDanse、Kaserne Basel、Festival Antigel Geneva和Zürcher Theater Spektakel Zürich合作,並得到瑞士Reso - Réseau Danse Switzerland的計劃基金資助,以及Pro Helvetia和Ernst Göhner Stiftung的贊助。
特別感謝:Natacha Koutchoumov、Rudi van der Merwe、Réka Farkas、Annelies Adamo、Sally Corry、Jemma Turner、Laurent Junod、巴黎匈牙利文化中心(Institut Balassi)、匈牙利Pannonia Danse Hongroise。
The starting point for Creature are the accessories used in dances including sticks, whips, mask and costumes. The process is to deconstruct and recycle the traditional dances and accessories with a view to make it relevant to the audience of today. There's something wonderful about taking something that has already been used, ready to be thrown away, deconstructing and reconstructing it to serve a new purpose. It's not about fixing it, but making it function in a new context, giving it a different life.
In their choreographic process Gábor and József commandeer the folklore to produce their own “fakelore” thus inventing an updated Creature.
SWISS PRIZE 2015-2017 in Current dance works category
Funding : Département de la Culture of the City of Geneva, Prohelvetia, Loterie Romande, Schweizerische Interpretengenossenschaft SIG, Commune de Lancy.
Co-production and residency : ADC / association pour la danse contemporaine, ADC Studios,Genève CH; Le CND, un centre d’art pour la danse, Pantin FR; Arsenic – centre d’art scénique contemporain - Lausanne CH; Kaserne Basel CH; CCN - Ballet de Lorraine, Nancy FR; Migrations, Pays de Galles UK.
Residency : la Briqueterie CDC du Val-de-Marne FR; Tanzhaus Zurich CH.
Other partners : MEG Musée d'Ethnographie de Genève, CH; CCN Rillieux-la-Pape – director Yuval Pick, FR, Label Bobine Genève.
A project in cooperation with the adc - Genève, ADN Neuchâtel, Arsenic Lausanne, Dampfzentrale Bern, éviDanse, Kaserne Basel, Festival Antigel Geneva and Zürcher Theater Spektakel Zürich, in the frame work of fonds des programmateurs / Reso - Réseau Danse Switzerland. With the financial assistance of Pro Helvetia, Ernst Göhner Stiftung.
With thanks to : Natacha Koutchoumov, Rudi van der Merwe, Réka Farkas, Annelies Adamo, Sally Corry, Jemma Turner, Laurent Junod, Institut Balassi – Hungarian Institute of Paris, Pannonia Danse Hongroise
創作者|About Artists
迄今為止,已創作並在世界各地巡迴演出了20多部舞蹈作品。值得一提的是,與Gabor Varga合作的作品《JINX 103》已在33個國家的112個城市進行了超過200場演出。此外,他們合作編舞的作品《Creature》於2017年獲得瑞士舞蹈獎(Swiss Dance Award) 的Current Dance Work 類獎。該劇團的作品曾在非洲、亞洲、澳大利亞、南美洲、中美洲和北美、歐洲、俄羅斯和瑞士巡迴演出。目前可巡迴演出的作品包括《JINX 103》、《Creature》和《Genetrix》。
The József Trefeli Company was founded in 2005 in Geneva. The Company defends choreographic research and collaboration between choreographers of different cultures to promote real cultural exchange.
More than 20 choreographic works have been created to date and toured the world. Noteworthy is the choreography created in collaboration with Gabor Varga, JINX 103 has been performed more than 200 times in 112 cities of 33 countries. Also, together they choreographed Creature which received a Swiss Dance Award in the category of Current Dance Works in 2017. The work of the Company has toured in Africa, Asia, Australia, South, Central and North America, Europe, Russia and Switzerland. Currently available for touring are JINX 103, Creature and Genetrix.
Photo by Gregory Batardon
原創暨編舞: József Trefeli, Gábor Varga
舞者: József Trefeli, Gábor Varga ou Gyula Cserepes
音樂設計: Frédérique Jarabo
面具設計:Christophe Kiss
服裝設計: Kata Tóth
攝影:Gregory Batardon
匈牙利傳統舞蹈專家:Kristóf Fundák
行政團隊: Laure Chapel, Paquis Production
Original idea and choreography : József Trefeli, Gábor Varga
Dance : József Trefeli, Gábor Varga ou Gyula Cserepes
Music : Frédérique Jarabo
Masks : Christophe Kiss
Costumes : Kata Tóth
Photo : Gregory Batardon
Specialist in traditional Hungarian dance : Kristóf Fundák
Administration : Laure Chapel, Paquis Production
supported by Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council

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2023/4/23 17:00
Bangka Park
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