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A6, J6

20 mins


Tanbu Cultural Park Warehouse A

2024/04/20 20:30
2024/04/21 17:00

龍山文創基地 曉黑箱

Longshan Culture & Creative Base Black Box of Shinehouse Theatre



艸雨田舞蹈劇場邀請長期旅居法國寮裔編舞家Ole Khamchanla,預計展開為期兩年的國際編舞家委託創作暨駐村計畫。艸雨田舞蹈劇場將於本屆艋舺國際舞蹈節中呈現作品《Proximities》的第三段落。

「我們能與彼此之間多親近? 我們又能與自己多親近?」



艸雨田特邀國際編舞家 Ole Khamchanla (奧萊・康詹拉)
出生於寮國,成長於法國,1990之前先接觸嘻哈舞蹈。曾經與非常多舞者和編舞家工作例如Farid Azzout, Gabin Nuissier 以及也曾和嘻哈界的Storm 及Fred Bendongue一起跳舞。另外也和巴西戰舞(卡波舞)大師 Beja Flore 學習,後來也追隨 Abou Lagraa 以及 Monica Cazadei 學習現代及當代舞蹈。經過這麼多元背景的學習,Ole 找到自己的舞蹈風格。1997-2010年期間,他曾經是 A'CORPS company 的舞者也是共同編舞家,也是奠定他開始編舞的主要期間。他的第一個完整作品是“ We are all…” 於2003年於義大利發表。 2006年他前往寮國、泰國學習傳統舞蹈,於是創作屬於自己的獨舞 "Kham...",後來在2010年他在寮國成立第一個國際舞蹈節“FANG MAE KHONG” / FMK,隔年他又在法國成立了自己的舞團 KHAM company,目前非常活躍於東南亞以及歐洲。

Lei Dance Theater has invited Olé Khamchanla, a French-Lao choreographer who has been living in France for a long time, and plans to launch a two-year commissioned creation and residency program for international choreographers.

"PROXIMITIES, focus on a vital feeling. How close are we to others and to our own nature? To what extent can distance still be a strength and a momentum to feel proximity more intensely? "

In this production, Olé Khamchanla questions human beings and their interactions with others. In turn, he explores the closeness that is discovered in dances, at the crossroads of cultures, in relationships with oneself and with others. He transmits his unique and powerful dance to 5 Taiwanese performers of Lei Dance Theater and incorporates classical ballet for the first time.

Lei Dance Theater will present the third part of the production "Proximities" at this year's Want to Dance Festival. Strongly connected despite the anarchy of the spaces, the personalities confront and connect in a powerful and organic dance.

More About Choreographer
Originally from Laos, Olé Khamchanla grew up in France and discovered hip-hop dance in 1990. He trained with different dancers and choreographers such as Farid Azzout, Gabin Nuissier and Storm for hip-hop, Fred Bendongue and Master Beja Flore for capoeira, Abou Lagraa and Monica Cazadei for contemporary dance. Little by little, he found his style, a way of dancing that was his own and that allowed him to assert himself on the dance scene.

He was a dancer and co-choreographer of the A'CORPS company from 1997 to 2010, during which he signed several shows that established his creative mark. This first company allowed him to assert his status as a choreographer, notably through his first trio "Nous sommes tous…" , created in 2003 upon his return from Italy.

In 2006, he went to Laos and Thailand to learn traditional dances and create his first solo "Kham…", a return to his roots that offered him the opportunity to deepen and refine his choreographic language. In January 2010, he created the first international dance festival in Laos, FANG MAE KHONG / FMK (Listen to the Mekong), which aims to promote and facilitate the circulation of Southeast Asian artists while allowing exchange with European and international artists.

Since then, through the KHAM company created in 2011, Olé Khamchanla has multiplied international cooperation actions in Asia (residencies, training, creations, transmission), and continues to enrich his choreographic vocabulary and the circulation of cultures and works between France and the Asian region. The artistic approach developed today by Olé Khamchanla is that of a contemporary creation freed from the codes of the dances he hybridizes, an incessant search for the crossing of dances, cultures, and sometimes different artistic disciplines with which he explores different themes.


Lei Dance Theater


Lei Dance Theater was founded in 2017. Lei Dance theater is one of the few repertory dance company in Taiwan, inviting outstanding artists from different regions to choreograph experimental works, especially related to contemporary social issues. Lei Dance Theater enables audience to see more different possibilities, so that the audience can not only see the contexts of different Taiwanese choreographers through their works, but also the diversity of styles of physical expression among Taiwanese dancers.


特邀國際編舞家:Olé Khamchanla (奧萊・康詹拉)
舞者:周璦萱、林俊毅、許 辰、曾淯婷、張雯婷
執行製作 : 林柔妤

Production Team : Lei Dance Theater
Choreographer : Olé Khamchanla
Dancer : CHOU Ai-hsuan、LIN Jun-yi、CHAN Hsu、TSENG Yu-ting、CHANG Wen-ting
Producer : WANG Yu-ching
Executive producer : LIN Rou-yu
Technical Coordination by Yun-Shiang Kuan
Music by Mathieu Vallet
Original French version produced by Compagnie Kham
With the Support of Institut Français of Paris


艋舺國際舞蹈節|Want to Dance Festival


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