22 mins
Longshan Cultural & Creative Base - Black Box of Shinehouse Theatre

《90/Now》是一支當代獨舞表演,靈感來自周圍人們經常問的問題:「為什麼現在不如以前更好?」這個問題常常根源於對過去的懷舊和渴望,並成為探索過去與現在之間對比的催化劑。透過舞蹈,這個表演將檢視從 1990 年到今天,生命、情感、社會價值觀、環境以及身體如何發生變化。該作品將融合寮國傳統舞蹈與當代舞蹈,既反映我個人的旅程,也呈現更廣泛的文化變遷。
(A Reflection on Time, Transformation, and the Body Through Movement)
90/now is a solo contemporary dance performance inspired by the recurring question people around me ask: “Why is it not better than before?” This question, often rooted in nostalgia and longing for the past, becomes the catalyst for exploring the contrasts between the past and the present. Using movement, the performance will examine how life, feelings, societal values, the environment, and the body have transformed from 1990 to today. The piece will integrate Lao traditional dance with contemporary dance, reflecting both my personal journey and broader cultural changes.
Noutnapha Soydala / Fanglao Dance Company
Noutnapha Soydala 是一位寮國舞者,也是 Fanglao Dance Company 的共同創辦人。她於六歲時在永珍的小學開始學習寮國傳統舞蹈。2006年,她在參加由寮法編舞家 Ole Khamchanla 主辦的舞蹈工作坊時發現了當代舞蹈的世界。從 2008 年起,她開始與 Compagnie KHAM 一起進行每年的法國巡演,並參與了巡演柬埔寨、泰國和寮國的製作。2013 年,她在永珍成立了 Fanglao Dance Company,旨在發展當代舞蹈的實踐並鼓勵國際藝術合作。Nout 是一位多元藝術家,她的作品融合了舞蹈、表演和視覺藝術。在2020 年疫情結束後,Nout 開始探索新的創作可能性,並與來自不同領域的藝術家進行合作,包括劇場、電影、現場音樂、版畫、雕塑、木偶戲、攝影和視覺藝術。她專注於將動作與其他藝術形式互相連結,並在各種公共空間中進行表演,包括畫廊和展覽,創造出挑戰舞蹈與其他媒介界限的沉浸式體驗。
Noutnapha Soydala is a Lao dancer and co-founder of the Fanglao Dance Company. She began learning Lao Traditional Dance at age of six during primary school in Vientiane. In 2006, She discovered contemporary dance during a dance workshop with Lao-French choreographer Ole Khamchanla. From 2008 she started annual tours in France with Compagnie KHAM, Also Participating productions touring Cambodia, Thailand and Laos. In 2013, She establish the Fanglao Dance Company in Vientiane with the aim of developing the practice of contemporary dance and encouraging international artistic cooperation. Nout is a multidisciplinary artist whose work bridges dance, performance, and visual art. After the pandemic end of 2020, Nout began exploring new creative possibilities by collaborating with artists from diverse fields, including theater, film, live music, printmaking, sculpture, puppetry, photographer and visual arts. With a focus on connecting movement with other forms of artistic expression, they have performed in a variety of public spaces, including galleries and exhibitions, creating immersive experiences that challenge the boundaries between dance and other media.

編舞 / 舞者:Noutnapha Soydala
藝術策展人:Olé Khamchanla
詩歌編輯及演唱:Chanthalangsy Tannabout
服裝質地:Souphalak Phongsavath
音樂作曲:Sinthavong Sengmounthong
製作:Fanglao Dance Company
BlackBox Vientiane
Fang Mae Khong International Dance Festival
Kampana – Indonesia Dance Festival 2024
Choreographer / Dancer : Noutnapha Soydala
Artistic curator: Olé Khamchanla
Editor and sing for peom: Chanthalangsy Tannabout
Costume texture: Souphalak Phongsavath
Costume design: LychEE
Music composer: Sinthavong Sengmounthong
Production : Fanglao dance company
Supported by :
BlackBox Vientiane,
Fang Mae Khong international dance festival
Kampana – Indonesia Dance Festival 2024